You are invited to the Workshop
July 7-10, 2014
Location: St. Petersburg, Russia
You are invited to the Workshop
July 7-10, 2014
Location: St. Petersburg, Russia
Organism state assessment by GDV-method is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the obtained GDV-images, processed with the help of standard programs package. The medical decision on the basis of the research study is made by a doctor.
After the procedure the following images and data can be printed:
1. GDV-images of fingertips with sector analysis and problematic zones determination, GDV-images digital characteristics (“GDV Screening“).
2. Diagrams of the energy state of the human main systems and organs (“GDV Diagram“) – norm, hypo- and hyper-function.
3. GDV-glow distribution around human body (“GDV Energy Fields“)
Patients examination results are saved into computer memory, floppy disks, CDs and other memory drives. It’s possible to compare them both during treatment and during follow-up. The created data bases might be used both in practical activity and scientific research.
It contains a set of cables, intended for laboratory study of liquids and solid substances both of organic and non-organic nature.
It contains 5 different devices.
It can only operate with GDV-Camera.
The device is designed for evaluating the environment by means of measuring basic nature components.
It is compatible with GDV-Camera and GDV-Compact.
The device is designed for simultaneous recording of GDV-grams of 10 human fingertips. It helps economize time when one has to carry out a great number of studies in a row. Besides, for a study of psychological constituents, it’s essential that a researcher get simultaneous response of the organism.
This device is intended for human fingertips GDV-grams (glow) computer registration and analysis. It is used only for express-diagnostics of the human organism state. The device is operated by an integrated battery, which enables one to use this type of device in field conditions.
It enables one to watch, register and save into the computer (for the following processing) GDV-glow of any object. GDV-pictures of the objects are registered in real time.
From 1 January 2011 all customers granted an additional year warranty for free!
“MedEO” Limited Company is an authorized dealer of the GDV equipment producer and developer – the company group “Kirlionics Technologies International” (“KTI”).
The specialists, working in “MedEO” company, for many years have been involved in supplying GDV devices, training users as well as in research in the field of GDV technologies.
Our staff includes certified specialists who for 3 years had been carrying out research work using GDV-method under the direction of Academician N. P. Bekhtereva (Human Brain Institute) and Professor K.G. Korotkov (IPMO) – the author and creator of the GDV-method.
The specialists of “MedEO” company along with “Kirlionics Technologies International” take part in designing methodological documents on GDV method, GDV software testing, as well as holding seminars and annual congresses on GDV technologies.
MEDEO – it’s top medical technologies!
You can apply for information concerning GDV-devices demonsration and acquisition, as well as consultations in GDV-diagnostics application:
Phone: +7(812)953-0857,