GDV method in psychology

Psycho-emotional state assessment with the help of GDV

A system is being developed of multi-parameter assessment of a person’s psychic state and of a person’s psychological type influence on their physical state.

GDV-grams parameters with this or that psycho-emotional state made it possible to detect different groups of test-subjects with most pronounced mental disorders. “GDV Activation” program was worked out on the basis of these studies.The result of calculations performed in this software was determination of Stress Factor level by means of parametric analysis of GDV-grams, obtained in different GDV-capture modes.

GDV-diagnostics of a person’s psycho-physical potential. Sports

As a result of screening – bioelectrography diagnostics of a person’s psycho-physiological potential a data base on approximately 200 top-rank athletes was collected. It comprises both data obtained by GDV-method and a multitude of verifying characteristics (cardiac activity parameters, psychological testing, genotype endurance, etc.) Eventually GDV characteristics correlation with athletes psycho-physical potential was revealed. An automatic system of screening diagnostics of athletes’ psycho-physical potential was developed, which makes it possible to carry out both individual express-diagnostics and rating of athletes inside the group.

Occupational selection with the help of GDV

One of the most important tendencies in GDV development is working out of a special technique and introducing it into occupational selection sphere.

What seems a matter of paramount importance – that’s occupational selection and activity monitoring of complicated systems operators – pilots, astronauts, nuclear power stations operators, air-traffic controllers, etc. GDV-method appears helpful in determination of a person’s psycho-physical abilities limit while acting in high-danger conditions.

GDV-method in occupational selection is used in screening evaluation in recruiting agencies and staff- selection departments, as well as for express-assessment of a person’s state before their undertaking a certain task.

Altered Consciousness States (ACS) and GDV


ACS is the term used for consciousness states, basically differing in the way of the person’s behaviour and energy – informational mechanisms from consciousness normal states. They may occur under extreme conditions or under the influence of psycho-active substances or psycho-active procedures, etc.

A way of registering bioelectrographical ACS-correlates was designed, that uses complex technique, including EEG brain mapping, electro-puncture, brain quasi-constant potentials and GDV-method. It led to creation of an unconventional method of following a person’s state under hypnosis, during meditation, psychic regulation and other types of complex activity.

Drawing on the right demonstrates:
AGDV-gram of a normal consciousness state.
BGDV-gram of an altered consciousness state.

GDV method in medicine

Research has shown that intensity, character and structure of live tissues specific glow in alternating electric field (GDV-glow) is largely dependent on the subject’s initial state (the level of their vital processes, various organs and tissues functional state, specific character of pathological processes). GDV-method makes it possible to assess the organism’s structural – functional state along with obtaining stable reproducible results in real-time scale.

GDV-method application in medicine

  • Mass screening-diagnostics (preventive express-diagnostics). It may be carried out among healthy population in occupational check-ups at schools, industrial enterprises, etc. It gives the opportunity to detect problematic zones (at the moment of the check-up) or potentially dangerous zones of a human organism.
  • Express-method of patients’ state syndrome assessment in hospitals, health centres, clinics and sanatoriums, which gives the opportunity to drastically reduce the area of diagnostic search.
  • Selection of individual treatment methods on the basis of GDV-grams analysis data. It implies that there should be studies before and after the influence exerted on the human organism by medications, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, etc.
  • Patients’ state survey in the process of treatment (patients’ state monitoring) and treatment effectiveness evaluation. It implies GDV-gram dynamic estimation in the process of treatment.
  • Selection of effective maintaining treatment.
  • Initial prohylaxis of illnesses and deseases.
Before treatment After treatment
Before treatment After treatment

Organism state assessment by GDV-method is carried out on the basis of analysis of GDV-grams, processed on the computer with the help of special software. Medical decision on the basis of the conducted study is made by a doctor.

GDV equipment is currently installed in state and private clinics, medical centres, sanatoriums and health resorts. It’s also considered to be a widespread method in the work of private medical centres of unorthodox medicine.

GDV-method advantages

  • objectivity of information;
  • clarity and interpretability of obtained data, convenience of their storage and processing;
  • possibility of following the processes development in time and of comparing structural, functional and temporal processes in the organism;
  • non-invasiveness, safety and absolute aseptics (sterility);
  • absence of specific requirements to the room and environmental conditions;
  • method simplicity and convenience;
  • low cost of the examination;

GDV method and the environment

Evaluation of structural changes in liquid-phase objects by means of GDV

A study of water structural changes, occuring as a result of influence of various factors, becomes more and more topical due to environmental pollution and low quality of drinking water. GDV-method is one of few instrumental methods that enables one to efficiently and easily study water fine structures, as well as to consider specific features of environmental influence.

water distillate NaCl solution wine
water distillate NaCl solution wine

Study of GDV characteristics of blood, urine and other biological liquids constitutes a special field of research. It was proved that blood GDV parameters differ for healthy people, cancer patients and patients with cardio-vascular system pathology.

Series of experiments were carried out in order to study homeopathic solutions, data-coded medications, as well as liquids used in food industry, such as malt, molasses, etc. The amount of data amassed testifies to outstanding prospects of GDV-method in these spheres.

GDV and energy properties of plants, stones and minerals

GDV-gram of a leaf
GDV-gram of a leaf

Up-to date equipment enables one to assess the energy state of animate and inanimate objects as well as their influence upon a human being. Numerous works show the method’s high information density in revealing the plants biological activity level and the influence of various factors upon them, such as : other plants, herbicides, environmental conditions.

During precious stones study it’s not only the possible influence of a certain stone on a certain person that was revealed, but also energy influence of the person upon the stone.