“Interpretation” for GDV Software make possible to automatically generate textual report based on the results of GDV examination.
The system of computer programs GDV Software enables one to carry out the assessment and monitoring of a person’s functional state. However, the correct interpretation of data obtained depends on the qualification and experience of the GDV user, on their medical knowledge.
GDV-diagnostics process is completed when one gets a printout of a table and a diagram of obtained parameters; as regards their possible interpretation, it’s carried out verbally. Thus, the major part of the work and responsibility is that of the operator.
That’s why in teaching GDV technologies to a user a great emhasis is laid on data interpretation. Still more attention is paid to this at regular workshops, conducted by the developer of GDV equipment – Kirlionics Technologies International Company. This part of the workshop program has been traditionally carried out for a number of years by the specialists of “MedEO” company.
A great number of GDV users that have been taught at these workshops, accumulated experience and knowledge enables us to speak of the existence of the Interpretation School created by the director general of the “MedEO” company – Elena Yanovskaya.
This knowledge can be acquired at the workshop conducted by the company, and it can be used with the help of “INTERPRETATION for GDV Software” Expert System, designed for generating textual report based on GDV examination results.
Expert system “INTERPRETATION for GDV Software” was created in cooperation with experienced doctors of leading top-level medical institutions of Saint-Petersburg.
In order to create diagnostic rules a data-base was used, that had been collected while examining a few hundred patients.
Formulating the rules was carried out by specialists with ten-years’ experience of practical use of GDV devices.
Expert System “INTERPRETATION for GDV Software” makes it possible:
- to simplify and quicken the process of interpreting GDV-data as well as the whole examination;
- to automatically generate textual report based on the results of GDV examination;
- to add pictures, comments, diagnoses and patient’s complaints;
- to print textual reports based on the results of the examination;
- to save and scan the whole history of the patient’s examinations in the program.
The price of “INTERPRETATION for GDV Software” Expert System is €750.
See also:
- “INTERPRETATION for GDV Software” demoversion
- A sample of textual report (*.doc, 23 Kb)
- A sample of textual report print-out (*.rar, 112 Kb)
- Leaflet (*.pdf, 949 Kb)
- User manual (*.chm, 380 Кб)
- The software developers’ report at the XI Bioelectrography Congress (*.doc, 34 Kb)