GDV workshops

The MedEO specialists conduct workshops on GDV data interpretation.

Classes start as soon as there is a group ready. The number of students in a group is 5-10 persons. The workshop is held in St. Petersburg. It is possible to have a specialist trainer coming to Finland to teach a group of over 5 students.

Participation fee is € 450.

In order to take part in the GDV data interpretation workshop fill in the following blank.

{ckform seminarENG}

GDV-diagnostics results

Organism state assessment by GDV-method is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the obtained GDV-images, processed with the help of standard programs package. The medical decision on the basis of the research study is made by a doctor.

After the procedure the following images and data can be printed:

1. GDV-images of fingertips with sector analysis and problematic zones determination, GDV-images digital characteristics (“GDV Screening“).

2. Diagrams of the energy state of the human main systems and organs (“GDV Diagram“) – norm, hypo- and hyper-function.


3. GDV-glow distribution around human body (“GDV Energy Fields“)


Patients examination results are saved into computer memory, floppy disks, CDs and other memory drives. It’s possible to compare them both during treatment and during follow-up. The created data bases might be used both in practical activity and scientific research.

GDV MiniLab

GDV MiniLabIt contains a set of cables, intended for laboratory study of liquids and solid substances both of organic and non-organic nature.
It contains 5 different devices.
It can only operate with GDV-Camera.

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GDV+It is intended for the work with low- mobility sick people and enables one to capture GDV-grams of toes, and to register GDV-grams of animals and large objects. It can only operate with GDV-Camera.

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GDV Express

GDV ExpressThe device is designed for simultaneous recording of GDV-grams of 10 human fingertips. It helps economize time when one has to carry out a great number of studies in a row. Besides, for a study of psychological constituents, it’s essential that a researcher get simultaneous response of the organism.

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GDV Compact

GDV CompactThis device is intended for human fingertips GDV-grams (glow) computer registration and analysis. It is used only for express-diagnostics of the human organism state. The device is operated by an integrated battery, which enables one to use this type of device in field conditions.

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GDV Camera

GDV CameraIt enables one to watch, register and save into the computer (for the following processing) GDV-glow of any object. GDV-pictures of the objects are registered in real time.

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